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Green Tech High Charter School is pleased to welcome you to our online athletic forms.

Three steps for completing the online form:

Step 1: Fill out the form online (you have to agree to Adobe's Terms of Use and press the blue "Continue" button to start filling out the application).

Step 2: Press "Click to Sign" Button once complete

Step 3: Verify your email address by opening link sent by Adobe to the email address used in the application (it may be in your "Junk" or "Spam" folder). Once you do this your application will be submitted and you will get a copy of your filled application sent to your email address.



مدرسة جرين تك هاي تشارتر

99 شارع سلينجرلاند

ألباني ، نيويورك 12202

(518) 694-3400

(518) 694-3401 فاكس

من الاثنين إلى الخميس. 7:45 صباحًا - 5 مساءً

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