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قيادة مدرستنا


عمل وايت في المجلس التنفيذي لجمعية الاستشارة المدرسية بولاية نيويورك كمحافظ إقليمي منذ عام 2018 وأسس أيضًا مستشاري Color Infinity Group بالولاية في عام 2019. وفي عام 2019، تم الاعتراف بـ White أيضًا من قبل NYSSCA للبرنامج المتميز أو الممارسة أو جائزة المشروع. يقدم وايت بشكل روتيني في المؤتمر الإرشادي المدرسي السنوي بالولاية، وقد قدم عروضًا في المؤتمرات الوطنية أيضًا. قدم وايت في المؤتمر الوطني لقيادة الإرشاد المدرسي في سان دييغو، كاليفورنيا في عامي 2020 و2022، والجمعية الوطنية لمستشاري المدارس الأمريكية في عام 2023. 


حصل السيد وايت على شهادته على مستوى المبنى والمنطقة من جامعة ولاية نيويورك بلاتسبيرج. حصل وايت سابقًا على درجة الماجستير وشهادة الدراسة المتقدمة في الإرشاد المدرسي من The Sage Colleges. أكمل دراساته الجامعية في جامعة كاليفورنيا اللوثرية حيث شارك في كرة القدم بين الكليات وكان عضوًا في فريق بطولة مؤتمر جنوب كاليفورنيا الرياضي بين الكليات (SCIAC) في عام 2007.


السيد وايت شغوف بالتعليم والعمل مع جميع الطلاب بينما يهتم بشدة بالعمل مع الطلاب ذوي الإعاقة والطلاب المحرومين اقتصاديًا والطلاب الملونين. فلسفته كقائد هي "القيادة بالتعاطف مع التركيز على العدالة". إنه متحمس للانضمام إلى مجتمع Green Tech.


نشأ السيد وايت في ساراتوجا سبرينجز ويقيم حاليًا في تروي. لديه ابن يبلغ من العمر ست سنوات، ناثانيال. خارج المدرسة، يستمتع باللعب في دوري كرة القدم للبالغين، والسفر، وتجربة المطاعم الجديدة، وقضاء الوقت مع ابنه.

Jaymes White

المبدأ والرئيس التنفيذي

ينضم Jaymes White إلى عائلة Green Tech بعد أن شغل منصب المدير المساعد في مدرسة Tamarac الثانوية على مدار السنوات الثلاث الماضية. أثناء وجوده في تاماراك، كان وايت فعالاً في الدعوة إلى إضافة مستشار مدرسي في المدرسة الابتدائية وقيادة جهود التنوع والإنصاف والشمول في المنطقة. قبل أن يصبح مديرًا مساعدًا في عام 2020، أمضى وايت ست سنوات كمستشار مدرسي على مستوى المدارس المتوسطة/الثانوية في أدوار ومسؤوليات مختلفة. خلال فترة وايت في مدرسة ساراتوجا سبرينجز الثانوية، أنشأ وايت برنامج "الاستشارات الأكاديمية" الذي تم تصميمه لمساعدة الطلاب المعرضين للخطر. ونظرًا لنجاحه، زاد معدل الالتحاق بالبرنامج بنسبة 70% من السنة الأولى إلى السنة الثانية.

Dr. Andrea Lowe

مدير مشارك

Dr. Andrea Lowe joined the Green Tech family five years ago as the Director of Academics before moving into her current role as Principal of the High School. Prior to her time at Green Tech, Dr. Lowe served as an elementary principal in the Capitol Region. Originally from Memphis, Tennessee, she held various positions there, including Assistant Principal, Dean of Students, Title I Facilitator, English as a Second Language Teacher, Elementary Teacher, and Special Education Teacher. She also spent two years in ShenZhen, China, as an English as a Foreign Language Teacher. In Memphis, Dr. Lowe was nominated as New Teacher of the Year and was actively involved in the Shelby County School teacher’s union. For the past ten years, she has also been an adjunct professor at Belhaven University.

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Dr. Lowe holds several degrees, including a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from The University of Memphis, which led to her school administrator’s certification. She earned two master’s degrees—one in Curriculum and Instruction from Cumberland University and another in English as a Second Language from The University of Memphis, leading to a teaching certification in ESL. Her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education is also from The University of Memphis.

Dr. Lowe is passionate about education and strives to instill this love in the students of Green Tech. Working at an all-boys urban middle and high school is incredibly fulfilling for her, as it allows her to play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of young men in an environment tailored to their unique needs. The vibrant energy and camaraderie among GTH students create a dynamic and engaging atmosphere where holistic education addressing both academic and personal growth is prioritized. Being part of a community dedicated to nurturing resilience, leadership, and a strong sense of responsibility is deeply rewarding. Dr. Lowe is continually inspired by the opportunity to witness and contribute to the transformative journeys of students, guiding them to become confident, compassionate, and well-rounded individuals prepared to face future challenges.

Outside of school, Dr. Lowe, who grew up as an only child in Memphis, TN, enjoys spending time with her fur-baby, Archie. She is actively involved in her community, volunteering at the Albany Mission, the Hudson Humane Society, and serving on the Board of the Capital Region Habitat for Humanity.

Dr. Kimberly Davis

مدير المدرسة المتوسطة

Dr. Davis has worked in education for the past seventeen years, with the most recent five being spent specifically in educational leadership positions. Prior to coming to Green Tech she had many educational experiences, including: being both a middle school and high school classroom teacher, a college level teacher mentor, and an instructional coach in school districts within Tennessee, Arkansas, and New York.

As for Dr. Davis’s personal education, it includes a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology, a Master of Arts Degree in Secondary Education, and a Doctorate in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Organizational Development. By pursuing lifelong learning, she intends to set an example to students and teachers alike to never stop learning and striving for continuous self-improvement.


At her heart Dr. Davis still considers herself a teacher with a passion for education. Throughout her career she has worked with disadvantaged and underserved scholars and has received recognition for her ability to improve students’ academic achievement. She fuels her passion with her effectiveness in increasing student academic achievement through her expertise in effective planning, implementation of best practices, and identification of teachers’ professional needs and students’ academic needs. She specializes in identifying gaps in instructional preparation, instructional delivery, and student learning, and then formulating a plan that addresses those gaps. She also has extensive expertise in teacher preparation and new teacher training to ensure that teachers have a solid foundation to effectively serve their students.


Dr. Davis considers leading the many talented teachers and students at Green Tech Middle a privilege. She has high expectations for Green Tech Middle students, because she wants to see them excel and become productive human beings, who have ample opportunity to become whatever they want to be when they grow up. Her goal is to continue to provide a supportive and safe climate and culture that is conducive to teaching and learning; so that each individual student and teacher can grow to their maximum potential. 



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